At THE UNSEEN Beauty we aim to create products that open new possibilities in beauty and transform how you see the world.
We believe that true innovation in our industry hasn’t moved forward in years. And that with advances in technology, the products we put on our bodies can be more intelligent, adaptable and dynamic – revealing more about ourselves and the world around us.
We use science and innovation to explore colour, play with light and reveal a new side to beauty. COLOUR ALCHEMY is the latest transformational product from our lab.
It’s the next generation in hair colour. The world’s first holographic hair colour, it changes shades in response to temperature and sunlight to reveal shifting, iridescent colours.

If you have ever been awestrucked by the brilliant, shimmering colours of a peacock’s feather, or seen vibrant colours in a butterfly’s wing, then you have witnessed the process of structural colour.
Where typical pigmentation absorbs all other colours except the one you see, here, the microscopic structure of the animal’s bodies reflects light as bright, iridescent colours, helping the animals stand out.
And it is structural colour that allows us to create the unique tones you see in COLOUR ALCHEMY products.

Light travels in waves, with different wavelengths of light seen as different colour. Visible light (white light) is a combination of every wavelength and colour.
When white light travels through a prism, it is separated (diffracted) into its component colours. This is what happens light travels through rain droplets to create a rainbow.
When you see something coloured green, like grass, all other wavelengths are absorbed by it. Only the green is reflected. A typical pigment dye that is red, absorbs all colours except red.
Structural colour is different, reflecting colour back to the viewer. When two equal waves of light combine (in a process known constructive interference) you see the bright, iridescent colour that sparkles in the light.

Specially formulated, microprism technology within COLOUR ALCHEMY sits on the surface of your hair to create the same type of structural colour you see throughout the natural world.
The coiled helix structure of the microprisms allows your hair to behave like a peacock’s feathers, so when light hits them, only certain wavelengths are reflected.
It reveals bright, beautiful colours that are unachievable with traditional dyes. The microprisms in COLOUR ALCHEMY are intelligent too. They are ‘thermochromic’, meaning they change colour in response to temperature.
As your hair becomes warmer or cools, or meets sunlight, the microprisms shrink and expand, causing different colours to be revealed.
There are five exciting colourways in the collection, each inspired by the natural world.