We're doing things differently for Black Friday.
Our passion for continued learning and desire to support innovation is how we plan to leave nothing but experiences on our planet.
Black Friday can be a great time of the year to stock up on essentials and do your Christmas shopping. However, the nature of Black Friday can lead to overconsumption. We believe in treating the problem at the source, by funding materials science and innovation to create solutions that don’t leave a trace.
Through this pledge, we hope to invest in innovation and ideas that fuel the future. So when you purchase COLOUR ALCHEMY and SPECTRA from us this Black Friday, your purchase will go towards helping young adults to secure vital careers and experience in STEM.
Who are In2ScienceUK?
Founded in 2010 by Dr Rebecca Mckelvey, In2ScienceUK aim to provide young people from low-income and disadvantaged backgrounds opportunities to gain insight, placements and careers in the STEM sector.
Who do they help?
Each year almost 500 students get the opportunity to take part in life-changing STEM placement opportunities. As a result of these placements, 75% of participants progress onto STEM degrees, increasing the pipeline of UK STEM, social mobility, and science capital and building more diverse workforces.
We spoke to In2ScienceUK about all things STEM, read the interview here.
Shop COLOUR ALCHEMY | Shop SPECTRA | Donate Directly
What does your support mean?
Purchasing a product from us or donating straight to In2ScienceUK will create positive change in the following areas:
01. Increase STEM professionalsAs the number of technical jobs is forecasted to grow, increasing the number of students in STEM would create a better economy. |
02. A diverse workforceBusinesses that have a diverse and inclusive culture are proven to perform better financially, creatively, in problem-solving and have less staff turnover. |
03. Social changeSTEM workers typically earn 20% more and encouraging young people from low-income backgrounds into these roles creates, social mobility, economic equality. |
04. A knowledgeable societyScience-related experiences and knowledge can have economical, political and social benefits, through building skills in communication, assessing complex information and determining fact from fiction. |